Makeup sowie Berufungsblog Montag Umfrage, Vol. 367

You may be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Nun, es ist nicht genau eine Umfrage. Es ist viel mehr von einem regelmäßig entwickelnden (Abweichung?), Etwas zufällige Auflistung von Anliegen, die ich je nach Montagmorgen in den letzten sieben Jahren angesehen habe. (Es ist wie ein Kickstart für Ihr Gehirn.) Ich habe es mir immer gefreut, Ihre Antworten in den Kommentaren zu lesen, und ich hoffe, Sie freuen sich, dass Sie sich gerne lesen.

What are three pieces of recommendations you would provide to a younger woman?

Definitely drink a ton of water, she stated holding up her Bkr. When I don’t drink sufficient water, whatever is a bit a lot more difficult. My skin provides me a difficult time, my brain doesn’t work as quickly…
See, it’s not firing ideal now since I haven’t had sufficient water.

Choose the people around you very carefully (that’s one of those things I discovered the difficult way). positive people with a great outlook will lift you up, as well as every spirit needs lifting sometimes.

You don’t have to do whatever yourself (again, one more lesson discovered the difficult way). For many, lots of years I felt like I was the only one in the proverbial boat, like whatever was completely as much as me to figure out as well as do, however it’s okay to request help. It’s okay to requirement assist (everyone does), as well as whatever doesn’t have to be hard.

Nail appeals (dangly or otherwise) — indeed or no?
Oh, hell no. Tabs would go insane. He’d never leave my nails alone.

Plus, I don’t keep my claws long sufficient to have adorable bit charms. They’d always be rattling around the place, as well as even if I did keep my nails long enough, the appeals would click as well as clack on my keyboard.

I can’t even believe about it… It would drive me nuts!

Are you looking ahead to anything this week?
I’m looking ahead to going out on one more mid-week motion picture date. El Hub as well as I did that last week. We went to see a new horror motion picture called It Follows, as well as it was type of great (the date, not the movie; THE motion picture WAS SCARY!).

I believe it was last Tuesday or Wednesday night. It was just us, as well as three other dudes on a bromance date, in the entire motion picture theater. Es war cool.

Ripped denim or partner jeans?
Zerrissene Jeans.

What do your sun glasses look like?
Mine are a beige pair of large feline eye sun glasses by Tory Burch.

Got them last year on sale, as well as I like ’em, however I’m believing about changing to a pair of incredibly adorable Kate Spade aviators that I tried on at Nordstrom last week.

Yup, major life dilemmas…

Last odd dream you had?
It was this past weekend. I dreamed that El Hub as well as I broke up! — as well as then I married Prince.

And he was so weird!

It was truly odd being married to Prince…and I was totally heartbroken. I just wished to go back to El Hub.

Dang, it was the weirdest dream…


Du bist dran. Nur kopieren sowie die Einhaltung der Bedenken in einen Kommentar mit Ihren Antworten einfügen. Ich sehe voraus, um sie zu lesen!

1. What are three pieces of recommendations you would provide to a younger woman?
2. nail appeals (dangly or otherwise) — indeed or no?
3. Are you looking ahead to anything this week?
4. Ripped denim or partner jeans?
5. What do your sun glasses look like?
6. Last odd dream you had?

I’ve been trying to believe of a few words of wisdom this morning, however I have no wisdom at all, LOL!


Cats & Makeup Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

Jetzt einkaufen

OK, I may have something here… Here’s a tidbit that may or may not assist you this week (probably not), however if you slice potatoes for a scalloped potato meal as well as plan on storing the slices in your refrigerator overnight, you gotta stick those freaking potato slices in a bowl of water, since they’ll turn brown if you don’t. This I discovered last weekend when I made scalloped potatoes for Easter.


Happy Monday, my friend! I hope that your denim make your butt look excellent as well as that you have a wonderful, stress-free week.

Ihre freundliche Gemeinschaftsberufung Süchtiger,


Published by cnjdr

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